Social Media
Scholastic interacts with millions of fans and customers on social media! Join us for conversations about books, literacy, education, technology, raising readers and learners, the arts, and more!
Scholastic Community Guidelines
Scholastic embraces the thriving community of readers and learners we’ve built on various social platforms. To ensure a safe, educational and fun experience for all, we’ve established social media community guidelines that we abide by on all third party-owned social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and others:
1. We have a zero-tolerance policy against comments containing any or all of the following: offensive language, false information, spam, trolling, personal attacks (including sharing someone else’s personal information with intent to harm), comments that do not relate to the post’s content, credible threats, hate speech, or posts of a sexually explicit or exploitative nature.
2. We reserve the right to remove comments that violate our guidelines, and if necessary block or report users. If as a visitor to our community you see anything that violates our guidelines, you can use the built-in reporting options.
Thank you for your partnership!